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All Age Family Services

All Age Family Service

Once a month there is usually an All Age Family Service, designed for the whole church family.

We meet at:
Prospect Hall
28-42 Prospect Road
Woodford Green

There is parking available on the site.

What to expect

The service begins at 10:30am and usually lasts 1 hour.

Children stay with their parents throughout the All Age Family service, as there will be no Sunday School during this service.

There is a room to the side of the hall that can be used as a creche for babies and toddlers. There is an audio link so that you can listen to what’s going on in the service.

Children may be invited to participate in the service in number of different ways, including:

  • Reading the Bible Passage
  • Praying
  • Quizzes & Games
  • Helping with the Bible Story Talk

You are very welcome just to join in or just watch and, after the service, to ask us any questions you have about what we believe and do.

After the service finishes, we serve hot & cold drinks along with an assortment of cakes and biscuits. It is a great way to meet people, or ask any questions. All refreshments are free.

Come and join us!

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